Summer Snacking on-the-Go

May 28, 2019 at 01:38 pm by PaigeAtwell


Courtesy of the YMCA

Chips, chocolate, or cheese—which snack do you think is the favorite among North Americans?

If you said cheese, you’re…wrong. According to Nielsen research, the answer is (crunch, crunch) chips!

Does that fit with your current go-to snack?

Summer is the season for pool parties and backyard BBQs, when grabbing a plate full of salty and sweet treats—or two or three—is hard to avoid. It’s also the time of year when our routines shift.

The days may be longer, but we don't always have the time we want (and need) to plan out healthier options for those essential snacks that help us get through the day.

Snacks are meant to be like mini meals that provide your body with the additional nutrients you need. They can also help you from getting “hangry” and overeating during meals. So how much you eat is just as important as what you eat at snack time.

Ditch the chips, and satisfy your summer cravings with our on-the-go snack guide:


Use Three Tips.

  1. Keep snacks well stocked. Have a variety of healthy snacks on hand in the fridge and pantry so you don’t become a spontaneous snacker who ends up at the drive-thru next time you're hungry. This will also make the healthy choice the easy choice during your busy day.


  1. Prepare perfect portions. Most people eat and drink more when they're served larger portions. By choosing smaller portions, you can help keep your calories in check (snacks should not be the calorie-equivalent of a meal). Purchase single-serving foods or pre-portion your own to avoid overdoing it at snack time.


  1. Stick to your regular eating schedule, no matter where you are. And plan for those instances when you may be grabbing on-the-go. This will keep the hunger pangs at bay and your energy steady.



Choose from Three Categories:


  1. To keep in your cooler
    • Non-fat Greek yogurt (like these siggi's yogurt tubes) and berries
    • Low-fat string cheese and mandarin oranges
    • Hummus and raw veggies
  2. From home, ready to-go
    • Frozen grapes and a hard-boiled egg
    • Low-fat cottage cheese and canned fruit (packed in water)
    • Nut butter and an apple or banana


  1. No refrigeration needed
    • Popcorn, unsalted nuts or low-sodium jerky
    • Add unsweetened dried fruit for the perfect snack pair on-the-go (Check out these mangos.)

Don't forget! If your snack stash is out, there are healthier spots than fast-food restaurants to stop and grab a bite to eat, like grocery stores, convenience stores and drug stores. Happy snacking!

Tags: health and wellness healthy snacking summer snacking ymca